Sunday, September 18, 2016


The Arahoe Spring Fair is coming!!  It will be held on Saturday, 29th October...

~Room 8 will be selling Jolly Jars. If you could help out by making some for us, that would be wonderful, thank you! The holidays would be a good time to perhaps gather some bits and pieces together and make some imaginative jars on rainy days, to sell at our stall! (It's not too early to start thinking about Christmas...)
~There will be a future notice to let you know when you can start bringing them into school. (that gives time for some room to be made for storing them!) 
~Below is an explanation of what Jolly Jars are and ideas for some cool jars.

What is a Jolly Jar, you ask? It is a jar filled with an assortment of different delights! 
 They can be themed, eg, boys, girls, Christmas, animals, Halloween - you name it - your imagination can run wild!
 After filling with goodies, they are usually decorated on the outside, to give them an extra pizzazz.

 Here are some examples of things you could include in a Jolly Jar…
McDonalds toys                                         Card games                       Miniatures                                                  Matchbox cars
Hair clips                                                    Collectible cards
Crayons or pencils                                     Sticker sheets
Barbie accessories                                    Water balloons
Random lego pieces                                  Kids craft bits & bobs
Loom bracelets/bands                               Play jewellery

Parent helpers are vital to smooth running and low stress on the day - any offers of help would be hugely appreciated! Below are the time slots for possible helpers to work with Chris de Jong. We have found that 2 parent helpers per timeframe is ideal. If you are able to help, please let Chris know.  If anybody would be able to donate the use of a gazebo on the day, please sing out - THANK YOU!!!

10.00 (set up)- 11.00
3.00- Pack up


Spring Mufti Day
Wednesday 21st September

***To help us with our upcoming Spring Fair please bring a jar, bottle or can of NON-PERISHABLE food. This will go towards creating Trolley Raffles to be sold on the day.

***Come dressed in your spring attire!
Think bright and cheerful.

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