Wednesday, September 14, 2016

15th September 2016

Morena Ara Pakeke parents and caregivers

We look forward to meeting with you next week to discuss your child’s learning during parent/teacher interviews.   We encourage all parents who haven’t met with their child’s teacher this term to make a booking.  This is a great opportunity to talk about your child’s up and coming Student Led Conference on the 25th and 26th October 2016.  A reminder that 2 conferences will be held at the same time in each classroom.  Students are very excited to be sharing their science, literacy and maths learning with you.  

Bookings for Student Led Conferences are available online at from Monday October 10th using the booking code MUXNK.

Don’t hesitate to contact your child's classroom teacher or Jocelyn Hair (Ara Pakeke Learning Leader) to discuss any concerns or ask any questions.  

Nga mihi mahana

Jocelyn Hair

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