Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Weekly Notices (Week 4, Term 1)
Parent Teacher Interviews - Bookings open next week
Bookings for these interviews open this Monday 22nd February and close on Sunday 28th February at 10pm. You can book at www.parentinterviews.co.nz. The code is 3HFUF
Interviews will be held Monday 29th February and Wednesday 1st March. For more information you can click on this link.

Please make sure your child brings their school sunhat everyday in Term 1. Thank you!

School Councillors Notices
Saving Newborn Lives - The Revolutionary LifePod Incubator

This year we are working with our school’s Student Council in an exciting new educational / fundraising initiative. Sir Ray Avery, a recipient of the NZ Order of Merit 2011, is launching a $2 Million global fundraising appeal to produce high-quality affordable baby incubators to be used in Third World hospitals. “The lives of thousands of sick newborn babies in poor countries could be saved with a smart and relatively cheap device,” says its Kiwi inventor, Sir Ray Avery.

On the 3rd of March, we intend to hold a school mufti-day with ‘In-Reverse’ as the fun theme - asking each student to bring a $2 donation. We will also have a cake stall later in the term.

We are also excited to advise that on the 11th of March, Sir Ray Avery will attend the Arahoe School assembly with an incubator to talk to students about his work! We are looking forward to meeting Sir Avery and we encourage you all to participate in the ‘In-Reverse’ mufti-day to help save the lives of sick newborn babies in poor countries with Sir Avery’s revolutionary baby incubators.

By Randal Morris
Ara Tuakana Team Leader

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