Saturday, February 13, 2016

WEEK 3...

Hi everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy some time out in our great summer weather!

By now you should have discovered your child's first lot of spelling homework in the deep, dark depths of their schoolbag, along with the odd squashed sandwich and rotten banana...
If you could test your child on these each day, it would be a big help towards them experiencing some success when we have our weekly tests on Fridays.

This week they will also be bringing home a book from the "choosing box" of their reading group, as well as a book on their instructional level after a guided reading session with me(as explained in an earlier blog post).
Please read with them each day and sign the reading log at the front of their homework notebook.

Just a note: even though the book bag was stated as "optional" on the stationery list, upon further discussion in our team, we would respectfully ask that you do include one for your child, as they do seem to prolong the lives of our books, as well as keeping any other homework bits and pieces in one place.
We are sorry if this change has caused an inconvenience. If you have any concerns about this, our team leader Jocelyn Hair is more than happy to discuss it with you.

Basic Facts homework: During this week, I will establish our basic facts homework routine, and keep you posted on how it will work.

Swimming: As this is an odd numbered week, we will be swimming again, on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Meet The Teacher BBQ:
On Tuesday, we will be having an informal get together at school - please come and say hi!

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