OOPS! Not sure how that happened!!! Anyway, back to the Key Competencies...
So these are what we have up in our Topic corner to remind us of the KC's:
Here is some information about the Student Led Conferences from Miss Hair:
Student-Led Conferences
This term, Ara Pakeke is introducing Student Led Conferences (SLCs) which provide the opportunity for students to celebrate their successes with family and whanau. An SLC is a meeting run by the student for his or her parent and is entirely focused on the student’s recent learning. During the conference your child will share a presentation relating to their research on the topic theme of ‘light’. Your child will also highlight how they have developed some of their key competencies (thinking, managing self, using language, symbols and texts, relating to others, participating and contributing) during this process.
Successful learners use the key competencies to live, learn, work, and contribute as active members of their communities; they are the key to learning in all curriculum areas. As your child develops these key competencies, they become more confident in knowing when, why and how to use them.
Ara Pakeke would like to send an invitation for you to join your child at an SLC towards the end of Term 4 (date and times yet to be advised). Please note that in Term 4, Ara Pakeke students will have no interviews in Week 5. Details regarding dates and how to book an SLC will be sent out nearer the time. As well as on your child’s classroom blog, details will be included in the school and syndicate newsletter, website and school app. Please don’t hesitate to contact Jocelyn Hair (Ara Pakeke Learning Leader at jocelynh@arahoe.school.nz) or your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions around SLCs.
Kind Regards
Jocelyn Hair and Ara Pakeke Teachers
~So now in Week 4, we will be looking at the Blendspaces (online activities), to help us decide what we would like to base our SLC on.
These are the links to the different class Blendspaces...
~Room 4: Electric Light Circuits
~Room 5: Loy Krathong - Thailand
~Room 6: Diwali
~Room 7: This Little light of mine -finding my lights
~Room 8: Light is made up of colours (making a colour spinner)
We will having another testing week this week (yes, it's that time of the year!), and the focus will be on general maths knowledge.
(Even Mrs de Jong is looking forward to getting back to more of a normal routine next week!)
In the meantime, we should keep practising our basic facts and spelling, because our second round of THOSE tests are coming up on Friday....because Room 8 just CAN'T get enough of TESTS!!!
By the way, there have been some AMAZING results from the last round of tests...lots of people moving up! We must have some real tryers out there in Room 8, just like the mighty ALL BLACKS!!!
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