Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wednesday,  25th November


Hi everyone.... excitement is building over the Student Led Conferences!  Miss Hair was wandering around today, chatting to Ara Pakeke children about how they are going with their conference preparations, and commented that there was a real feeling of enthusiasm about them!

We have 26 conferences booked now - thank you to Room 8 families for supporting your children. It really adds to the feeling of anticipation and primes the children to do the best job they can, because:
a) they're running the conference
b)they are presenting to some of the most influential people in their lives, so it's a big deal for them!


In the midst of the Student Led Conferences, we have 2 other events occurring next week, Week 8:
Athletics Day and Family Night. (phew!!)

ATHLETICS DAY:  Thursday 3rd December, Trusts Stadium.  Letter from Mr Leaity to come home.

FAMILY NIGHT:  Wednesday, 2nd December.  (Fingers crossed for good weather)

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