WEEK 3, TERM 4...
Hi everyone, I hope you've enjoyed a great Labour Weekend, with this great weather!!
Our Room 8 children have got an exciting week coming up...
*SWIMMING: We start swimming this week, from 2pm to 3pm, every day. If you could help your child get organised for this, it will ensure a smooth running, fun time for everyone. Please remember that as part of the PE curriculum, swimming is compulsory, so everyone is expected to participate.
If you do not wish your child to be involved, please send a note in to explain the reason for non participation, thanks.
*STUDENT LED CONFERENCES: These are on this week, Tuesday and Wednesday. Remember to check your invite to make sure you have the right day and time. Arriving on time will help the conferences to run smoothly, as they are on a tight 15 min timeframe and will reduce stress for everybody involved. Your children are very excited (and a little nervous!) to be doing this for you. They're going to be great - ENJOY!!!
*SPRING FAIR: Just when we've caught our breath from Student Led Conferences, Spring Fair will be here this coming weekend! (29th October). There are still some slots available on the window roster, if you are able to help out on the stall on the day - any help and donations of Jolly Jars would be so awesome, thanks!!
*SUN SAFETY: When I was out on duty last week, I was definitely starting to feel the sting of the sun on my skin, which means your children will be, too. Please help them stay safe by ensuring they have a NAMED (please!!!!) hat with them each day from now on. They are not permitted to be involved in sports activities if they don't have one, which is a guaranteed downbuzz for them - cheers!!
*DIWALI: Arabella and Kyra were involved in the Diwali Festival at the Trusts Stadium over the weekend, as part of Arahoe's Bollyhop dance group. Thanks to these photos from Arabella's mum, I'm guessing a great time was had by all!! Nice one, girls!!!
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