Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hi everyone,

Cristal McKoy, our IT lady, advises us that the Student Led Conference booking system is ok now. Below is an email she has asked us to forward to you.

Please feel free to book a conference using the guideline below.

Thanks for your patience with this!


Thank you for your patience while we have fixed the issues around booking two Student Led Conferences with one teacher at the same time on Tue 25th/Wed 26th October.

If you haven't already booked an interview with your child's classroom teacher please follow the process below.

1. Log into

2. Use the booking code NY8G5
3. Provide your details
4. Choose your child's classroom teacher. Please note the 2 options (Teacher or Teacher 1). Teacher 1 will have less bookings so we recommend you choose that option.
5. Select an available time.

If you have any issues please email

Thank you for your support!

09 827 2710  (T)  | (E)  | (W)

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