Monday, October 24, 2016


Can anyone in Room 8 help out Miss Wackrow?

Sunday, October 23, 2016

WEEK 3, TERM 4...

Hi everyone, I hope you've enjoyed a great Labour Weekend, with this great weather!!
Our Room 8 children have got an exciting week coming up...

*SWIMMING: We start swimming this week, from 2pm to 3pm, every day.  If you could help your child get organised for this, it will ensure a smooth running, fun time for everyone. Please remember that as part of the PE curriculum, swimming is compulsory, so everyone is expected to participate.
If you do not wish your child to be involved, please send a note in to explain the reason for non participation, thanks.

*STUDENT LED CONFERENCES: These are on this week, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Remember to check your invite to make sure you have the right day and time. Arriving on time will help the conferences to run smoothly, as they are on a tight 15 min timeframe and will reduce stress for everybody involved.  Your children are very excited (and a little nervous!) to be doing this for you. They're going to be great - ENJOY!!!

*SPRING FAIR: Just when we've caught our breath from Student Led Conferences, Spring Fair will be here this coming weekend! (29th October).  There are still some slots available on the window roster, if you are able to help out on the stall on the day - any help and donations of Jolly Jars would be so awesome, thanks!!

*SUN SAFETY: When I was out on duty last week, I was definitely starting to feel the sting of the sun on my skin, which means your children will be, too. Please help them stay safe by ensuring they have a NAMED (please!!!!) hat with them each day from now on. They are not permitted to be involved in sports activities if they don't have one, which is a guaranteed downbuzz for them - cheers!!

*DIWALI: Arabella and Kyra were involved in the Diwali Festival at the Trusts Stadium over the weekend, as part of Arahoe's Bollyhop dance group. Thanks to these photos from Arabella's mum, I'm guessing a great time was had by all!!  Nice one, girls!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

WEEK 2, Term 4



 WEEK 3 (TUES 25th TO FRI 28th OCTOBER)  and
 WEEK 4 (MON 31st OCT to FRI 4th NOV).

**SPRING FAIR:  There is now a roster up on the classroom window if you would like to help out on Spring Fair Day  (Saturday Oct 29th).  We are just starting to get some Jolly Jars trickling in, for our stall. If you could help us out by making one to sell, that would be awesome, thanks!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hi everyone,

Cristal McKoy, our IT lady, advises us that the Student Led Conference booking system is ok now. Below is an email she has asked us to forward to you.

Please feel free to book a conference using the guideline below.

Thanks for your patience with this!


Thank you for your patience while we have fixed the issues around booking two Student Led Conferences with one teacher at the same time on Tue 25th/Wed 26th October.

If you haven't already booked an interview with your child's classroom teacher please follow the process below.

1. Log into

2. Use the booking code NY8G5
3. Provide your details
4. Choose your child's classroom teacher. Please note the 2 options (Teacher or Teacher 1). Teacher 1 will have less bookings so we recommend you choose that option.
5. Select an available time.

If you have any issues please email

Thank you for your support!

09 827 2710  (T)  | (E)  | (W)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Hi everyone - we are experiencing some technical difficulties with our booking system for the Student Led Conferences. 

The student led conference booking system will be inactive until 9am tomorrow morning.  Instructions for further bookings will follow.  All current bookings will remain.  Apologies for any inconvenience.

Wow, can you believe it's Term 4 already!! ??  This term will be jam packed with all sorts of happenings.  Here's a rundown of what's coming up...

**Freaky Friday Mufti Day:  Friday 14th October
This will be our last fundraiser for a Lifepod this year. Come dressed as CRAZY as you can!!  A gold coin donation would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

**Student Led Conferences:  25th and 26th October
Room 8 have been working SO hard for a long time to bring you a summary of some of their learning over the last term.  PLEASE support them by booking a time to see your child's conference!  Here's how to book:

The booking code has changed to NY8G5 or NHN6J

Student Led Conferences will be held for Ara Pakeke and Ara Tuakana students on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th of October. The conferences are available in 15 minute time slots from 3.15pm to 5.15pm on both days. Two conferences will be held at the same time in each classroom.
From Monday 10th October you will have access to book a conference time.  These bookings will close on Friday 21st October at 5pm.
You can book at using the code NY8G5 or NHN6J. If you can't find a time under one code you can use the other one.

The children are excited about sharing their learning and next steps with you.

Thank you for your support!

Ara Pakeke and Ara Tuakana Teachers.

**SPRING FAIR:  Saturday 29th October
Our annual fundraising fair is fast approaching!  Room 8 will be doing Jolly Jars. I have spoken to the children about it, and they are very keen to start making some at home. You are welcome to start bringing them in to school when completed; any donation would be greatly appreciated! 
Parent helpers are vital to smooth running and low stress on the day - any offers of help would be hugely appreciated! (and of course you will have a certain teacher's undying gratitude!)
Below are the time slots for possible helpers to work with Chris de Jong. (she is even going to rope her daughter into helping!) We have found that 2 parent helpers per timeframe is ideal. If you are able to help, please let Chris know.  There will be a roster going up on the classroom window shortly. If anybody would be able to donate the use of a gazebo on the day, please sing out - THANK YOU!!!

10.00 (set up)- 11.00
3.00- Pack up

Here are some tips on making a great Jolly Jar...

What is a Jolly Jar, you ask? It is a jar filled with an assortment of different delights! 
 They can be themed, eg, boys, girls, Christmas, animals, Halloween - you name it - your imagination can run wild!
 After filling with goodies, they are usually decorated on the outside, to give them an extra pizzazz.

 Here are some examples of things you could include in a Jolly Jar…
McDonalds toys                                         Card games                       Miniatures                                                  Matchbox cars
Hair clips                                                    Collectible cards
Crayons or pencils                                     Sticker sheets
Barbie accessories                                    Water balloons
Random lego pieces                                  Kids craft bits & bobs
Loom bracelets/bands                               Play jewellery

Just for fun, Room 8 are having a "Guess The Baby" competition. Please consider if you would be happy for your child to take part.
Photos of our darlings as LITTLE darlings will be put up on the wall for people to have a guess at. If you are ok with letting your child bring a baby photo to school (which will be VERY carefully looked after), then we can do it.
We already have 3 contenders....  the sooner we get the photos in, the sooner we can start!


Our normal spelling and basic facts tests are on Friday - more people went up in their basic facts and spelling recently  -  Mrs deJong is SO proud of her clever kids!!!