Week 7 Update....
Hi everyone!
Just a quick notice:
Homework: Instead of basic facts and spelling, our homework this week will be speech writing. We will save the new lists we made last Friday to use in Week 8. Parents, please try to support your child with their writing efforts as they craft their speeches during homework time over the next 2 weeks. They will be able to show you the steps they are using to create their speech, but any help you can give would benefit them. Once the children have their final speech drafted and edited, they can put them onto cue cards and start practising them.
The focus on speeches is in preparation for the Ara Pakeke Speech Competition in Week 9.
Our class speech competition will be at the end of Week 8, most likely Thursday and Friday. It is from the class competition that a Year 3 and a Year 4 will be selected for the Pakeke competition.
Below are the marking criteria for the speeches. While the prop/s and slideshow are not compulsory requirements, they could potentially add another 10 points to the speech score. The slideshow only needs to be one background picture, to add interest for the more visual learners in the audience.
Going through this with your children will also help them to stay focused on what is required.
There has been an interesting range of persuasive arguments being cooked up so far in Room 8- it's going to be exciting to hear the final products!
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