Thursday, August 6, 2015

Celebrating Pakeke Talent!

We have had an exciting Friday, celebrating the talent we have in Ara Pakeke.
 2 students from Room 8 received certificates for excellence in their work, (Leila) and showing Arahoe values of Community Participation (Arizona). Well done girls, we are all proud to have you in our class!!!

We have  other talent in our room, too. Poppy is learning the guitar. if we are very lucky, she might play for our class when she feels ready. Go Poppy!!! 

At Ara Pakeke assembly, Room 10 did a funny dance, and Mrs Makani's choir sang the beautiful "Fireflies" song by Owl City...

Yesterday we had great fun trying out some new Maths games that Mrs deJong had made for our class. They are helping us to get stronger in our fractions and Basic Facts, and we learning about respecting property and looking after gear. Some of us really got into the games!


We are nearly at the stage of building our prototypes, so if anyone is able to help out with donations that were mentioned a couple of blogs ago, we would be extremely grateful, thank you!

Have an awesome weekend!  😉

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