Sunday, July 31, 2016


*This week is Maths Week. To celebrate maths in our school and give you insights into how and what your children are learning in Maths, we are having open mornings every morning this week from 8:30 to 8:55 in our classrooms throughout the school.

*You are very welcome to come in and see the children playing Maths games (join in!) which illustrate strategies used in their Maths learning. The children will be very happy to explain the games and the learning involved, if you have any questions.

*Most of the games are designed so that you can make them at home with minimal materials, reinforcing strategies they are learning.

*There will be Chromebooks set up with a VERY quick survey which we would be very grateful if you could complete before you leave, please.

*Below is the link to the official "invitation, but please be aware the time is 8:30-8:55, NOT 8:30-9:30.

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