Sunday, July 31, 2016


*This week is Maths Week. To celebrate maths in our school and give you insights into how and what your children are learning in Maths, we are having open mornings every morning this week from 8:30 to 8:55 in our classrooms throughout the school.

*You are very welcome to come in and see the children playing Maths games (join in!) which illustrate strategies used in their Maths learning. The children will be very happy to explain the games and the learning involved, if you have any questions.

*Most of the games are designed so that you can make them at home with minimal materials, reinforcing strategies they are learning.

*There will be Chromebooks set up with a VERY quick survey which we would be very grateful if you could complete before you leave, please.

*Below is the link to the official "invitation, but please be aware the time is 8:30-8:55, NOT 8:30-9:30.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Week 1

Hey everyone,

We had lots of fun learning a new Maths Game today called "Rocket". It's really useful for learning place value. You could play it at home - all you need is 3 different coloured dice (for hundreds, tens and ones places, or you could go to 5 dice for thousands and ten thousands - it depends on your knowledge level).
Room 8 children: it would be fantastic if you taught your family how to play it!  Thank you to Mark Tommy for being our photographer today...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Week 1

"Science On Wheels" day...

We had great fun today thinking about how forces work when we are having fun with bikes, scooters and roller blades. We even investigated how forces work with our bodies when bouncing balls and twirling a hula hoop around our body.  

We thought it was amazing how there are so many forces around us in the normal things we do every day, but we don't usually think about them much.

We learnt cool new words such as gravity, friction and resistance.

Here are some photos of us checking out forces in a FUN way!!!


27th July 2016

To the parents/caregivers of Ara Pakeke students in Rooms 7, 8 and 9

Welcome back after another holiday break  The year is flying past.

This term the teachers in Rooms 7, 8 and 9 are continuing to collaborate in the learning process.  This involves grouping children into three classes based on their learning needs in writing as well as reading.  In week 1 of this term teachers will meet with students to prepare them for the transition to another classroom during both these times.  

Collaborative teaching aligns with the Ministry of Education who support an innovative learning environment that evolves and adapts in order to remain future focused.  If you wish to find out more about this initiative please go to

Kind Regards
Classroom Teachers (Rooms 7, 8 and 9)
Jocelyn Hair
(Team Leader Ara Pakeke)

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

21st  July 2016

Kia ora parents and whanau of Pakeke students

Our topic this term is science based and called ‘May the Force be With You’.  

In week 1 of Term 3 Ara Pakeke students are invited to bring their bikes, scooters, roller blades, skateboards or other wheel machines to school for ‘Science on Wheels’  week.  During a planned topic session students will be making observations about forces that create movement on a bike or other equipment with wheels.  We will also be looking at friction and gravity during this time.  To support your child at home we encourage you to access some of the many video or images available online to support this.  For example:  For students who are unable to bring wheels to school, teachers will provide other sports equipment to demonstrate the concept of forces, friction and gravity.  

In order to manage ‘Science on Wheels’ week we ask that students bring their wheels to school on the allocated days below and park their bikes or other equipment where directed by their teacher.  No equipment can be used without a suitable helmet or without supervision from the teacher.  The wheels are not to be used during playtimes.  

Tuesday 26th July - Rooms 5 and 6
Wednesday 27th July - Rooms 7, 8 and 9
Thursday 28th July - Rooms 10, 11 and 12
Friday 29th July - Rooms 13 and 14

Kind Regards

Ara Pakeke Teachers

Hi everyone!

I hope your holidays are going really well!!  Remember Room 8, BE KIND TO YOUR PARENTS.

During the last week of Term 2, we had our Matariki celebrations, which included eating some really yummy Rewena bread (thank you so much to Memphis's dad, Darren!), making Matariki masks and participating in a school parade to show our masks and Matariki colours. 

Here's some photos and videos of our wonderful day....

***On the first Saturday of the holidays, Mrs de Jong went along to Avondale Racecourse to watch Mark play rugby. They played with a lot of heart and his team won! Well done, Mark and team... 
can you spot him in some of the pictures?

***Whanau/Family wall:

It's time Room 8 updated their Whanau/Family wall. If you are allowed to, try to think of something new and special which you can bring along to school that represents your family or culture. Write a little blurb to go with it, explaining what it means to you, and Mrs de Jong will put it up on our special wall.  Thanks!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Week 10  (Wednesday)

Matariki Friday:

This Friday we will be celebrating Matariki with a parade in the first block (9-10:15) and a Matariki assembly in the second block (10:30 - 12:00).

Friday is NOT a mufti day though; children must still come to school in full uniform. They can however bring item of clothing of the colour allocated to them below and put on for the day's festivities. 

The children will be allocated a "star" group that they will parade in, wearing their colour:

Purple: Jennifer, Kobe, Memphis, Aarush
Yellow: Izabella, Jabran, Shivkrant, Daniel
Red: Bella, Maerin, Alex, Marley
Green: Evie, Macy, Moutaz, Caitlyn
Blue: Kyra, Dylin, Riya, Mark
Orange: Angie, Reuben, Arabella, Caio
Silver/Grey: Felix, Nessa, Leeda, Elise

We will be making masks tomorrow to match their colour, for wearing in the parade.

Come along and join the fun!

**School will finish at the usual time on Friday

Monday, July 4, 2016

Week 10

Hi everybody, just a quick reminder that tomorrow is Pyjama Day.  There is no gold coin donation. 
You may instead like to consider if you would like to donate a blanket that is no longer needed, in aid of the Give A Kid A Blanket campaign, to help out families who are in need of extra warmth this winter.

See you in your onesies!!