Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday, 5th May

MATHS: This week we've been looking at probability and chance. We've realised that words like "possible', "impossible", "likely", "unlikely" and "certain" are words that are used when talking about these things.

We designed a card game called "Cat and Dog" that helps us think about chance, and whether things are an even chance, high chance or low chance. we can see from this game that some areas of probability are just down to luck!!

Above are some of the players experiencing different degrees of luck!!!

We are having our usual Friday basic facts and spelling tests tomorrow. Mrs de Jong got some interesting answers when she asked some people what they thought the PROBABILITY of them improving on their results tomorrow would be, after the holiday break!!

You should find a notice in your child's bag about the upcoming Mud Run... please have a look...

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