Monday, May 16, 2016

Dear parents and caregivers,

Over the coming weeks in your child's class we will be teaching units that are part of the personal safety programme Keeping Ourselves Safe.

Abuse occurs in all communities, regardless of their ethnic, socio-economic, geographic and religious make-up. A child who has been abused is less likely to reach their full potential as an individual, may struggle to focus on learning, and may fail to thrive.

Keeping Ourselves Safe [KOS] is a comprehensive child protection programme in which students learn and apply a range of safety skills that they can use when interacting with others. 

The units will be taught by your child's teacher, with help from the local Police Education Officer, as required. 

For more information about the programme or about child abuse, see the NZ Police website, or contact the school. 

09 827 2710  (T)  | (E)  | (W)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

More hijinks from interzone cross country day....  (thanks to Stephanie Ray for photos!)

Tuesday 10th May...

Interzone Cross Country...

Congratulations to Harry, Kyra, Shivkrant and Arabella on qualifying to race in the interzone cross country today.
They were amazing - they all came within the top 20, out of a large field of runners!!  We're really proud of you guys!!

Student Safety Survey:
PLEASE remember to fill in the student safety survey before Friday!  See Mrs deJong if you are still not sure how to do it.

Thursday is Mufti Day with the theme of "Superheroes".  It is a $2 gold coin donation, with the donations helping towards the purchase of a second Lifepod.
Get involved and amaze everyone with your costumes!!!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Monday, 9th May

Hi everyone...

In regards to the Safety Survey that I posted a few days ago for the children to complete for homework, there seems to have difficulty for some parents in accessing it.

Jocelyn Hair has changed the access to "anyone" now, so it should be ok to use.
Here is the link to have another go if needed.

If you could encourage your child to have it done by the end of the week, that would be awesome - THANKS!!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Week 2...

Be prepared's nearly time to get down and dirty - 
Arahoe Mud Run's coming up soon!!!

Check it out...

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Thursday, 5th May

MATHS: This week we've been looking at probability and chance. We've realised that words like "possible', "impossible", "likely", "unlikely" and "certain" are words that are used when talking about these things.

We designed a card game called "Cat and Dog" that helps us think about chance, and whether things are an even chance, high chance or low chance. we can see from this game that some areas of probability are just down to luck!!

Above are some of the players experiencing different degrees of luck!!!

We are having our usual Friday basic facts and spelling tests tomorrow. Mrs de Jong got some interesting answers when she asked some people what they thought the PROBABILITY of them improving on their results tomorrow would be, after the holiday break!!

You should find a notice in your child's bag about the upcoming Mud Run... please have a look...

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Woohoo!!!  We did it, and everyone survived!!  That's Cross Country for another year, and a fine job was done by Mr Leaity in organising it - THANK YOU, YOU ARE AWESOME!!

Room 8 did really well, and Mrs de Jong is SO proud of you, because:

  • everyone had a go
  • everyone had a great attitude towards it, even if they found it hard
  • we got some impressive results and placings!!

Congratulations to Kyra, who got first place in the 7 year old girls and Arabella, who was chasing her and got 2nd place...
                                                  Kyra coming in for the big finish!!

                                                            Congratulations, girls!

                                                          DOUBLE TROUBLE....

Other fantastic achievements from Room 8 were:
  • Harry came 4th in the 7 year old boys
  • Shivanjal came 5th in the 7 year old boys
  • Other 7 year old boys who had great success coming in within the top 15 were: Alex, Marley and Jabran.
  • Mark came 8th in the 8 year old boys, while Macy came 7th in the 8 year old girls, closely followed by Riya in 8th place and Evie in 9th place!! 
  • Ariki and Memphis showed great determination too by coming within the top 15 in the 8 year old boys!
**Mrs de Jong didn't know she had such a gang of "lightning feet" people in her class, and is SUPER DUPER proud of you all - she CAN'T WAIT until Athletics Day in December, when she can see her gang "gas it" all over again!!

Attached is a link for students to complete a survey based on their health and safety at school.
Please have your child complete it at home before the end of week 2, thank you.

Monday, May 2, 2016


Dear Parents/Caregivers,
As part of our Safety First training in Topic, St. Johns will be visiting Arahoe school and teaching the students emergency first aid.  It will involve CPR, bandaging, injury prevention etc.

In week 4, a trained Community Educator will plan and deliver this programme to our class, and other Ara Pakeke classes, at school. The experienced educators have excellent classroom skills and child friendly teaching resources – they know how to make the experience fun and interactive for every child.

Payment is by donation and much appreciated. They have suggested a sum of $2.00 per student but ask that no student should miss out due to “non-payment”.   All donations will be greatly appreciated and go towards paying it forward and teaching other students just like our own.

The programme values that children of all ages have the ability to make a difference in an emergency situation.
Kia Kaha.

Vanessa Jansz

09 827 2710  (T)  | (E)  | (W)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week 1, Term 2...

Hi everyone, and WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL!! 

I hope you had fabulous holidays. Maybe you did something really exciting that you'd like to share with us when you get back, or perhaps you learnt something amazing that you might like to tell us about?
Let Mrs de Jong know, and we'll make time to fit all that exciting stuff in, along with our learning...

Term 2 gets off to an action-packed start with Cross Country! Here is a notice from Mr Leaity about the races:


Tuesday 3rd May

Age for competitive races for 7 - 11 year old is at 1st May 2016.

Students need suitable footwear for running and are encouraged to bring clothes to run in other than their uniform.  They will need to wear their uniform to school.

Age group races will have a staggered start with girls going first followed by boys shortly after.

Non-Comp races will be raced in syndicates.

Race start times are a guideline and maybe adjusted depending on duration of races.  Races will not start earlier than the indicated time.

First Races
9:10 - 10 yr old girls - 3 laps outside school/10 yr old boys - 3 laps outside school

9:35 - 9 yr old girls - 2 laps outside school/9 yr old boys - 2 laps outside school

9:55 - Ara Tuakana Non Comp Run - 2 laps outside school


10:30 - 8 yr old girls - 2 laps outside school/8 yr old boys - 2 laps outside school

10:50 - 7 yr old girls - 1 laps outside school/7 yr old boys - 1 laps outside school​

11:10 - Ara Pakeke Non Comp Run - 1 lap outside school

11:25 - Yr 2 Girls - 1 laps inside school/ Yr 2 Boys - 1 laps inside school

11:40  - Yr 0 - 1 girls - 1 lap inside school/ Yr 0- 1 boys - 1 lap inside school​


Catch up on any races not completed.    




 This term will see a different arrangement within our Reading programme, as explained by Jocelyn Hair below:

2nd May 2016

To the parents/caregivers of Ara Pakeke students in Rooms 7, 8 and 9

Welcome back after the holiday break.

This term the teachers in Rooms 7, 8 and 9 are collaborating to teach the skill of reading.  This involves grouping children into three classes based on their learning needs and will begin on Wednesday of Week 1.   Monday and Tuesday will be used to meet with students to prepare them for the transition to another classroom during reading time.  Students will bring home reading material from Wednesday onwards.  Please remind your child to bring their book bag and notebook to school each day.   

Collaborative teaching aligns with the Ministry of Education who support an innovative learning environment that evolves and adapts in order to remain future focused.  If you wish to find out more about this initiative please go to

Kind Regards
Jocelyn Hair
(Team Leader Ara Pakeke)