Thursday March 31st 2016
Dear Parents/Caregivers of Year 3 and 4 students
This term Ara Pakeke will be walking to Green Bay Beach to observe the plant and animal life living in the intertidal zones. We will also build on our science learning by making a contribution to the community through a beach clean-up. We encourage all students to attend this event which concludes Term 1’s topic study of #HealthyHappyHabitat.
Parental Assistance:
Ara Pakeke request the assistance of parents in order for the trip to occur. We require a ratio of 1 parent to every 5 students. If you are able to support us on the day by supervising groups of students from 9.15 until 2.30, please fill out the form below and return it to your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible. Please note that parent helpers will need to be at school on the day of the trip by 9am. This will allow time to meet with the Ara Pakeke team leader to clarify the role of parent helpers and issue safety vests to parents which are to be worn at all times during the trip. Parent helpers will also receive a copy of the Risk Analysis Management and Safety Action Plan and the names of students they will be supervising. Parents who are not in a ‘parent helper’ role are welcome to come and support their child during this event however you will need to advise your child’s teacher if you wish to do this. All students are to walk to and from Green Bay and return to their classroom. If a parent wishes to take their child early from school they will need to get a blue slip from the school office.
The days and times of the trip are listed below:
Students will leave the school grounds at 9.15am and return at 2.30pm approximately.
Tuesday 12th April 2016: Rooms 10,11,12,13,14.
Wednesday 13th April 2016: Rooms 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Please note the trip will be cancelled if it is raining or there is not enough parent help.
On the day, your child will need to bring along the following items:
A packed lunch including morning tea in a plastic bag, a bottle of water, a rain jacket and sun hat. Full uniform is required by all students. There is no cost for the trip.
Kind regards,
Ara Pakeke Teachers
We are getting underway with our rocky shore art project! Here are some members of our "crepe paper ball" factory churning out those little nuggets we need for our pictures...