Thursday, September 17, 2015

Hi everyone!

2 of our students, Tarapatiki and AJ, go to a Pasifika Literacy Group run by Mr Moncur in the first block.
This is a fantastic group, because it helps students with their reading, and they do all sorts of interesting activities to get them thinking about the different ways they learn to read and write.

A couple of weeks ago, they made siapo (tapa) patterns on a visit to Kelston Boys High School, and Mr Moncur made a fotobabble of their creations - they are so cool!!

Here is a link to Tarapatiki and AJ's fotobabbles:

The group also made a slideshow about a story they read, called "The Tree Of Life".  Have a look and see what you think about the learning they may have done.  Here is the link:

Congratulations to Angel Churchward-White, who achieved 2nd place in the Ara Pakeke Speech Finals this week, with her persuasive speech on why you should buy dogs, not cats. Well done to Leila Claypole, who did her best as well, with an interesting speech on palm oil.

Bye for now!

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