Maths Week:
Thanks again parents/whanau for the amazing level of interest and support shown during our recent Maths Week. I am very proud to say that Room 8 were complimented by Richard Limbrick as having one of the highest attendance rates of whanau in Ara Pakeke! I personally felt very encouraged and supported by you as I met and talked with you on those mornings.
Below I have included 3 games you can easily set up at home to help your child strengthen their basic facts knowledge and strategies. They could easily be copied/pasted onto a new document, printed and voila! You have a new maths game for home!
Nifty Fifty
For two or more players.
The aim of the game is to be the first person to reach
50 points by rolling two dice.
Roll a dice beforehand to see who starts the game. The
player with the highest roll starts first.
Players take turns to roll the dice.
Players add up the points on their first roll and add
on each roll as they go.
double 6’s are worth 20 points.
if you roll a double 3 your score gets wiped to 0 and you have to start again.
Use a pencil and paper to keep track of your score.
First player to 50 points wins the game!
x pack of cards 1 – 10 only in all four suits
and paper
is a two player game so can be used in a group of four where each pair takes
Split the cards evenly between two
Each player flips over a card at
the same time.
The first person to add the two
cards together correctly gets a point.
The person at the end of the game
with the most point wins
make it harder try multiplication
make it even harder have 1 person as the first number and the other as the
second and try subtraction.
"Rocket" – Where will it fit? (a place value game)
Draw 2 rocket frames, one named Player One and the other named Player Two. Each rocket frame must be split into 6 "floors", like a 6 storey building.
You need 3 dice, one representing hundreds, one representing tens and one representing ones. (they need to look different somehow). Decide which dice will do what.
Throw the dice, see which 3 digit number comes up, and select a "floor" you want the number to go in. Numbers must go from smallest to biggest. Smallest number can be 111, biggest can be 666.
aim of the game is to fill every floor of the rocket, with the numbers in order. If
a player cannot place a number they have thrown, they miss that turn.
a number is written it cannot be removed.
to fill the rocket wins!!!
Cake Stall Week 6
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
Re: Cake Stall Week 6.
Monday August 29th 2016.
Hosted by Ara Pakeke.
On Monday August 29th 2016 Ara Pakeke are hosting a cake sale in the school hall to raise funds for ‘Sir Ray Avery’s LifePod Incubator’ No.3.
Parents/caregivers, you are invited to bake cakes,slices or muffins with your child. These items will be sold in the school hall for $1.50 or $2.00 each. You may bring the cakes to school on the morning of August 29th.
We would like to thank you for your ongoing support of our sponsorship of ‘Sir Ray Avery’s LifePod Incubators’ and ‘Keeping Little Hearts Beating’.
Ara Pakeke

Ara Pakeke are excited to be offering SLCs in Week 3, Term 4 on Tuesday 25th October and Wednesday 26th October. The conferences are available in 15 minute time slots from 3.15pm to 5.15pm on both days. All conferences can be booked online through the usual online interview booking system from Monday 10th October (Week 1) to Friday 21st October (Week 2). We encourage all parents and whanau to attend their child’s SLC. Please note that in Term 4, Ara Pakeke students will have no parent/teacher interviews in Week 5 as the SLCs in Week 3 replace them.
Nga mihi mahana
Jocelyn Hair