Sunday, December 13, 2015


Hi everyone....

Welcome to Week 10 - nearly at the finish line!!


Thanks so much for your participation and positive attitudes towards the Student Led Conferences. The children got a lot out of the experience and were generally keen to do it again in the future.

Below is a link where you get an opportunity to give feedback on the conferences.  If you wouldn't mind taking the time to participate please, it would be extremely helpful for future work we may do in this area:


This is a survey we do periodically with the students to gauge the general feeling of how the social aspects of school are sitting with them at the moment. We collate the results, which help to inform future planning around maintaining ongoing student safety and wellbeing.  If your child could fill out the survey at home, it would be very much appreciated, thank you!
The link for the survey is:


A reminder that this will be on THURSDAY.  We are aiming to start the lunch by 12pm, and begin the Secret Santa at 1pm.

If it is at all possible to bring the items of food in on a disposable plate, it would save dishwashing/sorting at the end of the party for the teacher!!!  Come along if you have the time, and join in the fun!!


This may very likely be the last blog posting for the year, so I would like to say a massive thank you to parents who have been tolerant/flexible with the teacher changeover halfway through the year. It was a big challenge for students and teacher!
I have had a wonderful time with your children, getting to know them and helping with their learning. I have VERY mixed feelings about saying goodbye on have a funny habit of growing on you!!!

Have an awesome holiday season, and stay safe...

All the very best for 2016.

Christina de Jong.