Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hello everyone!!

Welcome to Term 3! We hope your holidays were safe, and that you managed to get some relaxation time in.

Our Term is going to be very busy, with lots of exciting things coming up...

We are learning how to follow the Technology Process by inventing a wet day game for a classmate. It's going to be really interesting to see the process that real inventors go through when they create something new! We have been investigating different types of games, and what characteristics make them a successful game.
We have been selected for 3 different types of game-making groups:  Board/Card Games, Marble Run or Video Games.

Please would you mind helping us out with donations of equipment, if possible?  We would really love to have:
Marble Run Group: 
~Pizza boxes
~Gladwrap/Handeetowel tubes
~Ice block sticks
~Small boxes
~Toothpaste boxes
~Pringle tubes

Board/Card games:
~Stiff card/board for bases
~Coloured card
~Stickers for decoration
~Plain white card
~Split pins for spinners

Any donations would be GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU!!!  
A lot of us are ready to move up in our reading levels, and we're excited about it!  Mrs deJong is working her way through the class with some testing, to see which level we're sitting at now. When we find out, we're going to be proud to tell you!!

The main focus for our Writing this term will be persuasive writing, to get us ready for the Ara Pakeke Speech finals on Tuesday, 15th September at 9am in the Hall.
 It would help us a lot if you could give us some feedback on our speeches when it comes to the stage of practising them at home... we want to be the best!!
The topic for the speech is still to be confirmed.

Maths will be very interesting this term, as we learn about fractions and measurement. We have already been having great fun playing "Denominator Bingo", which gets us thinking about the correct name for denominators; eg: halves, quarters, thirds, fifths (tongue twister!!) and tenths.
 Maybe if you ask us, we could set up a game with you at home, and show you how to play it... but we will be hard to beat, because we're getting pretty good already!!

Our PE focus this term is Gymnastics. We will be having a combined class with Rooms 7 and 12 on Mondays. We'll have to make sure we have a good breakfast on those days!

Mrs deJong has regrouped our Homework Basic Facts groups a little, based on test results from last term. For Spelling, we are using a mixture of words we got incorrect on our Essential Word List test at the end of last term, and words from our Topic Word Bank.
Please help us to keep climbing up to more challenging questions by regularly working with us on our homework. We want to get great marks on our Test Results Chart!

Milk at school
Arahoe School would like to hear some student voice around the milk routine at school. If we are interested and would like to have a say, would you mind helping us fill out this short survey in the link below please, and send it back to the address at the top of the form?Thank you!

We had so much fun with our Matariki Celebrations, and the Matariki showcase on the last Friday of term 2 was awesome... Room 8, your Rona song was done perfectly!

We thought you might also like to see some of the fabulous Matariki artwork Room 8 have created. It is proudly hanging up in our window. We sure have some talented artists in this room!!

Arahoe's Got Talent:
Well done to those of us in Room 8 who are "giving it a go" and auditioning for Arahoe's Got Talent!  Here is the Google Doc form to fill in to register for your audition.  Good Luck!!!

Ara Pakeke Syndicate Assembly:
Please note that this has been shifted from Friday 1st August to Friday 8th August.

Bye for now!